Inventor of Kommon Sense, Victor Prince Dickson

Victor Prince Dickson: A few thoughts.

Sometime in 2004, I had a dream that humans are gods. That we are a creature that is designed to be and become but have been deceived and cloned to become weak, fearful, and conflicted.

Consequently, we are in a tragic phase of human history, where a vast majority are performing below the optimal level. The only way forward is to reclaim our godhood.

However, to do so we need to rebuild the skills of the gods, to reclaim the power of collective intelligence known as Common Sense.

Common Sense is the operating system of the 7th Sense. This is what provides sight, insights, foresight, and oversight for navigating change and growth.

Unfortunately, Common Sense is not a skill set you can acquire from the 4 walls of the classroom, since it is a faculty made up of different aspects of human existence, based on Organic Intelligence. It is the only experience that guarantees Human Singularity.

Teaching and building these skills is a challenge, considering that real transformation begins from within. But how do you teach 3D Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Mediation, and Negotiation, Verbal Enterprise, Personality profiling, Leadership Intelligence, Decision Mastery, and Mindset Audit in 60 Seconds?

To achieve this, it is imperative to simplify the lessons, make it fun, and harmonize the Head, Heart, and hands. For that to happen, the learning field must be leveled, the teacher must be the student, and the student the teacher. In the spirit of play and fun.

So for close to a decade, I sought and searched for the best method to deliver my dream until 2014 when Kommon Sense officially took shape.

I settled for a card game designed to interrogate knowledge, enhance understanding, and discover wisdom. The experience is designed to help us master life and work skills. That is, one pack of cards to help humanity navigate the quadrants of Transformation: Awareness, Reformation, Deformation, and Transfiguration.

I am glad that Kommon Sense is already helping thousands to rebuild the Collective Intelligence needed to reclaim their godhood. My mission is to take these sacred insights to a billion more.

I have become my dream!