Kommon Sense Word War

KSWW is a Bible learning platform and scriptural exchange competition strictly for the Body of Christ. Irrespective of denomination, personality, race, or age differences, Kommon Sense Word War creates an atmosphere and culture of oneness and accord around the Lord Jesus Christ. It is predicated on 2 Timothy 2:15.


To instill God’s Word in the minds and hearts of the Church through an enriching, community-uniting, and Christ-centred competition. 


  • To promote the learning and connection of the Holy Scriptures to our practical realities.
  • To generate interest, passion, and fun in God’s Word 
  • To unite the pews and clergy at the feet of Christ. 
  • To build a culture of rightly dividing the word of truth
  • To spread the word through scriptural understanding.

Kommon Sense Word War 2022 (Loading...)

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Open for Sponsorship and Support